Monday, October 29, 2007

RTP Group Shred 14 Day Challenge : Day 04

Today is another rest day. Hmmm.... wondering? My rest days in this 14 days challenge will be done alternately with my weight training interval exercise. However, it will be spent running on the treadmill, instead of doing just nothing. It will almost be the same as my previous rest day in Day 02, I just incremented my treadmill run with a solid 4 minutes extension. to a total 24 minutes.

I will be doing cardio interval speed training all throughout the two weeks duration during the days I considered as rest days and compliment it with two sets of some ab work outs and upper body workouts. My full real rest day without exercise will be, I think, on Day 07.

Below is my Day 04 pix taken after I got home later in the afternoon from the gym:

Keep on shredding fats, guys!

Thanks for the overwhelming comments.

Seize the day!!!
On shredding-mode,


Adam Waters said...

Looking good ma man! Keep it up,

Michael said...

Nice look awesome.


Otter Christy said...

Looking good. Keep on shredding. Have a great day 5.

Anonymous said...

checking in. how is it that you are still "working out" on a "rest" day? do you not let your body recover? don't forget to rest! or are you considering a non weightlifting day as a rest day? either way, you are doing great.

Alex Anselmo said...

Thanks, Adam, Michael, Christy and Suzette! I can't wait to see our ripped abs on Day14. I'm very much in to this challenge, it's like a fire within me that keeps on burning, whew!!!

Thanks, Suzette for reminding me to rest for my muscle recovery. You're right. I considered my rest days as my interval-cardio day,which is much lighter than my weightlifting days. This is to promote non-stop fat loss 'till Day14.

I appreciated much your comments, guys!